Counselling vs. Psychotherapy.

What's the Difference?
There are similarities between counselling and psychotherapy, and even with their differences, counselling does include some psychotherapy and psychotherapy does includes some counselling.
Focused on present problems and solutions
Specific solutions or behaviours
Short term therapy
Action and behaviour focused
Talk therapy
Guidance, support, and education to help clients identify and find their own solutions to current problems
Secondary process
Recommended: If you're looking for someone who is essentially a "coach" who can guide and support you as you learn to recognize problems and formulate healthy solutions yourself.

Focused on chronic or recurrent problems (e.g., trauma), medical conditions (e.g., cancer), and/or diagnosed mental health conditions (e.g., Bipolar disorder, major anxiety, etc.)
Overall patterns, big picture-oriented
Typically longer-term therapy
Feeling and experience focused
May include testing, talk therapy, other therapies tailored to treat chronic conditions
In-depth focus on internal thoughts/feelings (core issues) leading to personal growth
Primary process
Recommended: If you've seen a counselor and your issues aren't improving even though you've been actively working on solutions.